Basic Bible Truths Classes
Has God been working in your life in such a way that you have questions you’d like to be answered? We offer a series of 5 one-hour classes that do just that: personal, private classes for 1 or for more, that lay out—in God’s Word, easy to see—His terminology, His view, His plan and His truth. To set up your Bible Lesson call today: 832-526-6356 or email If you are interested in using the Basic Bible Truths as part of your own evangelistic outreach, you can purchase the book through our Sermon Audio store.
You can download the Basic Bible Truth Charts here:
You can learn how to teach the Basic Bible Truths by listening to the classes.
Listen as Pastor Dill teaches the members of Lighthouse Baptist Church how the Basic Bible Truths have been used to lead thousands to Christ and how they can use this evangelistic tool to reach others. Each lesson builds on the one before. The first lesson establishes a foundation on the Bible as the Word of God. The next two lessons show what it means to have a true relationship with God and how one can have that relationship. The last two lessons are designed to show a new believer the next steps to take in their new Christian walk. Even if you already have a relationship with God, the Basic Bible Truths help you to grow a greater understanding of that relationship and to re-establish that firm foundation.